Request a Sample

To request a sample, enter the product information in the table below . If you leave this page, your work will be saved. To complete the request, fill out the entire form and click "Submit".

Sample Guidelines

  • Sample requests are reviewed within 48-72 business hours & are processed in the order they were received.
  • To have samples shipped EXPEDITED or OVERNIGHT; please submit your sample request & call our Sample Coordinator 86 89681588 before our 11:00 am (cst) parcel deadline.
  • Customers are required to pay shipping costs.
  • Product sample requests are based on product availability. Restriction may apply.
  • 1 sample per Product
  • Samples are fulfilled to qualified business requests only.
  • Please provide valid business contact details when completing this form.

**Failure to complete this form in its entirety can delay your sample request.**
Please contact for assistance in finding the best product to suit your needs.

  • Max limit of 4 different Part #’s (If more are needed please contact our Sales Department)
  • 1 sample per Part# (If more are needed please contact our Sales Department)
  • Samples are usually free, but we do ask you to pay for shipping
  • Samples are for businesses only.
  • Any questions contact us for assistance in finding the best product to suit your needs
  • Sample requests are processed within 48-72 business hours

Contact Information

    Request a Quote
    Our experts are here to help. We will respond within 24 hours to your request.
    Get in Touch with Us
    Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm (CST)
    (86) 13803219803 - phone
    86-311-89681588 - tel
    Request a Sample
    Need a closer look? Most products have samples available to ensure you are ordering the correct product for your needs. Some restrictions may apply.

    Leave a message
    Tell us what you need, and we'll help you get quotes